Undergraduate Studies

The DLCV is responsible for three specific majors of those offered by the great area of Letters at USP during the morning and evening classes: Bachelor of Arts in Greek, Bachelor of Arts in Latin, and Bachelor of Arts in Portuguese Language. In addition, the Department is also responsible for several modules of the Teaching/Licentiate degree in Letters.

The Letters courses offers enrolled students the possibility of taking a joint degree, according to the following combinations: Portuguese and German; Portuguese and Arabic; Portuguese and Armenian; Portuguese and Chinese; Portuguese and Korean; Portuguese and Spanish; Portuguese and French; Portuguese and Greek; Portuguese and Hebrew; Portuguese and English; Portuguese and Italian; Portuguese and Japanese; Portuguese and Latin; Portuguese and Linguistics; Portuguese and Russian.

The DLCV’s areas of activity are Philology and Portuguese Language; Romance Philology; Greek Language and Literature; Latin Language and Literature; Sanskrit Language and Literature; Indigenous Languages; Portuguese Language Comparative Literature Studies; Brazilian Literature; Children’s and Youth Literature; Portuguese Literature; Portuguese-Speaking African Literatures.

The professors in these areas work with the translation of Greek and Latin texts; modules that deal with the academic literacy of students from different courses at USP; the academic teaching of Portuguese and foreign languages, Brazilian literature, Portuguese literature, and Portuguese-speaking African literatures; aesthetic production and creative writing; philological studies of ancient sources; critical and commented editions; the formation of Brazilian Portuguese; teaching practices and teacher training; among others.

DLCV professors connect their teaching activities to research and outreach activities with the aim to distance their practice from teaching conceptions based on the mechanical reproduction of the modules they offer. In undergraduate education, the DLCV’s commitment over time to consistent, up-to-date content and high-level reflection leads its professors to constantly update their ways of working in the classroom based on the results of their research and outreach activities. The dedication of professors to the supervision of scientific initiation research reinforces the connection between teaching and research activities.

The DLCV’s plural space and scope encourage interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity as a way to safeguard the respect for the intellectual independence of its professors and to be in constant debate about their practice in undergraduation studies.

Atendimento: de segunda-feira a sexta-feira das 08h00 às 20h00.

Telefone: (11) 3091-4294 - Técnicos: Júlio Fuji e Marildes Moreira.

Email: dlcv@usp.br

sobre faltas

Graduação/área Coordenadores E-mail

Bacharelado Português, Grego e Latim



Flaviane Romani Fernandes Svartman


Vanessa Martins do Monte




Estudos Comparados Vima Lia de Rossi Martin vima@usp.br
Filologia e Língua Portuguesa Comissão de atividades docentes


Filologia Românica Luiz Antônio Lindo lal@hotmail.com
Grego Christian Werner crwerner@usp.br 
Latim Adriano Scatolin adrscatolin@usp.br
Literatura Brasileira Jaime Ginzburg ginzburg@usp.br
Literatura Infantil Maria Zilda da Cunha mariazildacunha@hotmail.com
Literatura Portuguesa Aparecida de Fátima Bueno fabueno@usp.br
Literaturas Africanas de Língua Portuguesa Mário César Lugarinho mlugarinho@gmail.com
Línguas Indígenas Patrícia de Jesus Carvalhinhos patricia.carv@usp.br
Sânscrito Adriano Aprigliano
